
Frequently Asked Questions

Please find, listed below, answers to our frequently asked questions. Click on a question to reveal the answer.

What area of the Country do you cover?

We are based in Leeds but operate a Mobile tinting service throughout the North East and Yorkshire, covering an area from Newcastle to Nottingham (North to South) and Scarborough to Skipton (East to West). We will consider tinting vehicles and buildings further afield or put you in touch with knowledgeble competitors nearer to you.

Is it legal to completely blackout my windows?

After the law changes in 2004 it is not legal to completely blackout your vehicle (except for the rear windows on goods vans for security reasons). The darkest tint on the front passenger windows is 35% and the windscreen can have a sunstrip but nothing more.

Do you do office buildings?

We do and have done office buildings. Obviously the same restrictions on opacity of the tint does not apply to offices or shops as it does cars. You will find that tinting an office window can help increase security for the premises as well as aid the reduction of harmful UV rays from the sun. Feel free to ask for a quotation for your shop or office just as you would a vehicle. All building tints are done on site!!

How long does to take to tint a vehicle?

That will depend on the number of windows requiring tinting and the type of vehicle but normally we would ask that the car is made available for up to 4 hours to make sure that there is enough time to complete the job to the high degree of quality as we would like.

Do you need to remove the windows?

On occassions we will need to remove windows in order to secure a neat and water tight edge to the tinting film. If this is a necessity with your vehicle you will find that we have the experience and expertise to remove door panels and electrics, and again to replace them correctly so that everything is as it was before we arrived. Should you have any concerns about window removal then why not give us a ring on 07976 740669 to discuss your car in depth.

Do you offer a guarantee at all?

All our tints are guaranteed for the total period that you are the owner of the vehicle, this time period has no upper limit, so those that keep their cars for years and years can sleep soundly knowing that the tint is protected. This guarantee is not transferable to a new owner when you sell the car. Sorry but there has to be a limitation somewhere.

Can I come to you?

We are a totally mobile service. We come to you at your place of work of your home at a time to suit. We experimented with a fixed location in the late 1990's but it was found that people preferred the convenience of a mobile service over a fixed one, thus overheads were saved and this helps to keep the cost of tinting to a minimum.